Thoughtful Thoughts of a Common Man

Thoughts and stories and poems: philosophical, romantic and imaginative. (All works here are origional copy righted material.)


I am currently in an artistic / philosophical stage of life where I spend time contemplating various aspects of life and creating artwork to communicate some of the thoughts and ideas that I have.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Fire Protection

Overhead I’m protected
From the fires that burn down below
By waters of flowing life
Salvation ready to go.

The Well Crafted Commercial

In many ways a well produced commercial can be considered the highest form of artwork. A well crafted piece of artwork is a piece that effectively communicates the particular message that the artist wishes to get across through the various components of the medium. Often times we observe a particular piece being interpreted differently, with a different message that the artist had intended to communicate. Rarely is this the case with the well crafted commercial. Because of this, a trend has started to emerge where artists create particular pieces of art where the artist doesn’t have a particular message in mind when the piece is being created, but instead allows the viewer determine his or her own message to get out of the piece. Many people, artist and critics alike, debate whether or not this is truly art. Can a piece has ‘information’ that can be interpreted from it, but has not been placed with the intent of the artist, truly be considered art?

The well crafted commercial does not have this issue, and despite the fact that it may be commercial in nature, a fact that many artists abhor, it is still art, and art with a definite, well defined message. True masterpieces of commercial art go well beyond the simple communication of the intended message, and evoke a reaction and desire to act (or not act, as the commercial’s message dictates) in most people who come in contact with the piece. The message that the artist intends to be relayed to his or her audience is easy to determine, even though it may not be explicitly stated in the piece, a thing that many pieces of art lack.

Monday, June 19, 2006

The Universe Within

A world we create
Within our mind
A seeking of self
We hope to find

Who we are
Deep down inside
Past hopes and dreams
That seem to hide

Who it is we really are

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

The Dragons of Luln

Many years ago, in the nation of Glantri, a powerful wizard and dracologist named Drogo Tighfield, embarked on a project of epic proportions. Like many of the wizard princes of the region, he desired ever greater power, but was willing to take the time to formulate a plan to acquire this power. He took into his position three green dragon eggs of the largest size he could find, and began casting spells upon them, first to bind and then to strengthen them and make them more powerful. When the dragons hatched, he was happy to find two females and a male of the largest size, already capable of great draconic feats and immune to any non-magical weapon that tried to strike them. Over the ensuing years, he continued to enspell them and train them, making them even larger and more powerful. When they were still but young adults, he sent them on their first test, to attack and recover the treasure of an old red dragon who lived near Mt. Lea. Drogo’s dragons destroyed the old dragon with relative ease and recovered the treasure for Drogo. Unfortunately for Drogo, this was the beginning of his end. Drogo sent the dragons out on many more missions and the dragons grew in size, power and stature. But as the dragons grew in power, Drogo’s control of the dragons weakened. Drogo continued casting spells on his dragons to increase his control over them, but more and more their effectiveness was diminished by the dragons’ great might. Finally the dragons rebelled against their master and attacked him outright. The fight went on for days, and much of the country side around Drogo’s estate was laid to waste. In the end, Drogo managed to destroy one of the great beasts, but was killed in the falling rubble of his estate.
Fearing that other mages would come to seek them out, the two remaining dragons grabbed as much treasure as they could and headed out and away towards the land of Karameikos, landing in the Blight swamps. There they carved out a new home for themselves, hidden deep beneath the marshes themselves.
A group of local lizardmen saw the dragons land and presented themselves with sacrifices to their new gods. The dragons had an idea that would insure the domination for which they had been created. Soon word spread throughout all the lizardmen in the swamps and they presented themselves to the dragons. Their army was being formed, and soon the lands of the soft skinned people to the east would be theirs.
The lizardmen and dragons started by launching a series of raids against the farms and communities near the swamps, and met little resistance at all. Their next target was to be the small town of Luln where they would test their forces fighting prowess and start their spread of terror in the lands of the warm bloods. Fortunately that was where they were to meet their doom and save the world from their ravages.
A group of adventurers had just entered Luln from the hills to the north, when word of the raids reached the town. Two of the adventurers went out to investigate and found signs of the dragons, but not the dragons themselves. They returned to the town to have it evacuated except for a few individuals who would defend the town against the coming attack. Lead by the Lady Protector of Luln, a palisade and two towers were built as defensive structures, just outside of town. According to Gamlin the inn keeper, who stayed behind as one of the protectors, the palisade was finished just in time. The two dragons were spotted leading several hundred lizardmen behind them. One of the adventurers, now known as Art the dragon slayer used some magic to fly up and meet them, firing arrows into their thick and magically augmented hides while another adventurer, who’s name has been lost to these archives, cast spells to protect the defenders and the palisade. With extreme skill and the probable help of some magic, Art managed to slay the first of the dragons with his arrows very quickly. The palisade was attacked by the second dragon, but was somehow saved by the protective spells of the wizard. Art Dragon-Slayer then turned his attention to the second dragon and quickly slew it with a few well placed arrows.
Dispite the fact their draconic leaders had been slain, the lizardmen proceeded to the palisade and began their attack. There are many thoughts about why this occurred, whether the army had been enspelled by the dragons to attack no matter what, or they had just failed to notice their missing leaders, but the fact remains that they continued the attack without their leaders. The attack continued for over an hour. Art Dragon-Slayer performed amazing feats with his bow killing dozens of the lizardmen before they even reached the palisade. In the end, the lizardmen were defeated without the loss of a single defender.
The defenders helped clean up the mess afterwards, only taking the bodies of the dragons for themselves as treasure and the thanks of the local towns folk. When they had reached Specularium, news of their stunning defense had reached Duke Stephan himself. The Duke requested and audience with the traveling adventurers and tried to offer them a suitable reward in return for their services to the Duchy. For some reason the adventurers would not hear of it and granted all the honor to the Lady Defender for her leadership in the defense of the town.
It has been rumored that Art Dragon-Slayer and his party soon departed to Irendendi where he now lives in retirement.

The Bus Minister

Thank you for this ministry
You’ve taken on the bus
A simple quiet ministry
With very little fuss

But with simple acts
And reaching hands
We can see God’s love
Truly spans

Across both time and space


A field of weeds and wildflowers
Where once a building stood
A place I used to visit
I’d go back there if I could

But these times, they are a chang’n
Sometimes better, sometimes worse
Nothing stays the same
Except for times old curse