Thoughtful Thoughts of a Common Man

Thoughts and stories and poems: philosophical, romantic and imaginative. (All works here are origional copy righted material.)


I am currently in an artistic / philosophical stage of life where I spend time contemplating various aspects of life and creating artwork to communicate some of the thoughts and ideas that I have.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006


Your allusion
To fusion
Is part of your delusion
A simple illusion
Caused by your confusion
Is my final conclusion

Monday, February 20, 2006


Keep your routes
All in a row
Backwards and fowards
So your packets can flow

Through your routers
To the internet to play
And don't forget
To set DNS today

Or else your routes
Empty will be
For your destination
You never will see

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Simply Spooney

She sat there humming
In her spooney little world
Surrounded by pictures
Her mind spun and twirled

Where would he be today
And what should she wear
Maybe her pink dress
With a bow in her hair

Common sense had been eradicated
So many days before
When she first caught sight of him
Standing by the door

Now she was all a'flutter
About the boy that she had to win
He was so cute and charming
Just thinking about him made her grin

Soon she was back at school
With the boy no where in sight
It made her sad and desperate
Emotions she could not fight

When she asked
She quickly found
That her boy
Was homeward bound

It made her sad
And she started to cry
Then what did she see
What did she spy?

Another boy
So cute and nice
She thought that this boy
Would surely suffice

Friday, February 10, 2006


The world appears
Through the hazy fog of reality
The dream world
Of another
In a far off place


To perform interchange
Though exporting objects
May sound very strange

From export to import
The objects did go
And data did follow
Along with the flow

Then new accounts were needed
By mountainous piles
And CSVDE appeared
To sort through the files

And setup those accounts
Quicker than quick
With one jumbo file
And one single click

And now everyone is happy
Because of CSVDE and LDIFDE
No one had imagined
That they were so gifted.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Politics as Usual

The milieu of the sacred
Was held up on high
And their founding in ahimsa
Was subtly wry

For though they would not harm
By violence or by force
Their words often did so
With little remorse

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Showers of Pink

The sun shines with joy
A warm breeze blows through cherry trees
A shower of pink
Falls playfully to the ground
Amongst tulips and lilies


Reality melts
A vivid mix of colors
Emotions run wild
Sounds crawl up and down the walls
Then silence and peace again

Wisdom Followed is Wisdom Done

Oftentimes we say
What we ought to do
Yet oftentimes we don’t
As if we oughtn’t to

Wisdom may be had
But its worth is cheap and cold
If we turn our head and follow
What fools have bought and sold

The Power of the Press

Their daily mantra
Filled the air
From press to the public
A well oiled affair

And when they were wrong
They rewrote their words
Rewriting history
Yes, nearly two thirds

Till written events
Were totally skewed
Reflecting a fantasy
Designed by the shrewd

Controlling the minds
Of the public at large
This was their goal
This was their charge

For they felt if they could
Their dreams would come true
Their post modern utopia
Would see its debut

Monday, February 06, 2006

Time to Study

Still debating
How this works
Read some more
But not
Push a button

Hay, is this thing supposed to be smoking like this?

Sunday, February 05, 2006


A paradox of dreams
Formed into reality
They say it isn’t true
But I know better

Little is as it seems
For such is our mentality
Oh if they only knew
That they’re their own fetter

Off To Battle

Teary eyed evenings
And long labor-some days
Long days and lonely nights
Looming nearer
With each passing moment
And here we sit
In uncomfortable silence
Waiting for the inevitable
Time to leave
To fight the battles once again
For God and country
Our nation’s security
Yet still I have to leave
The one’s I love
Never to know
If I will ever return
To their desperate
Hugs and kisses.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

The Secret Craft

Sartorial ideas
He kept in his mind
And his wondering eyes would tread
To a crimson shirt
A silken gown
Or a bonnet on some lady’s head

Then off he’d hurry
To his secret abode
To be where no body else could see
The things that he crafted
With beauty and style
An artist of the highest degree

Who would have thought
This brawny young man
Had secrets so hidden and deep
In his basement below
He’d sit there and sew
When everyone else was asleep

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Idle Chatter

Sitting in my living room
Chatting, away
Only one problem
I don’t know what to say

But we know that doesn’t stop me
I can yammer on and on
Even when all substance
Is totally… gone.


Wind and rain
Sweep the land
And dutifully clean the air
While ocean waves
Bring treasures from deep
And on beaches lay them bare

Today’s Interview

Interview Time
Back at home
It’s interesting to watch
Where God leads you

Wondering About the Week

I wonder what the week will bring
What God has in mind
I wonder what the week will bring
And what treasures I may find

Whether happy thoughts
And pleasant smiles
Or perhaps a little more
I know he’s there
All the while
Providing from his store.