Thoughtful Thoughts of a Common Man

Thoughts and stories and poems: philosophical, romantic and imaginative. (All works here are origional copy righted material.)


I am currently in an artistic / philosophical stage of life where I spend time contemplating various aspects of life and creating artwork to communicate some of the thoughts and ideas that I have.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

The Internet

A wonderful world of wisdom
Connected by a wire
But too much information
Is sure to make you tire.

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Worship like Jacob did

Worship like Jacob did
When the day is young
Worship like Jacob did
Sing the song he sung

Thankful of the Lord
And all the Lord did bring
If you listen now
You can still hear Jacob sing

Worship like Jacob did
In the middle of the day
Worship like Jacob did
You can still hear Jacob say

Thank you my dear Lord
For everything you’ve done
Thank you for my life
And your bright and shinning sun

Worship like Jacob did
When the day turned late
Worship like Jacob did
For he knew that God was great

With his dieing breath
He worshiped from his staff
The joy in his heart
Was cause to sing and laugh

Worship like Jacob did
Learn his special way
With thankfulness of heart
In every single day

The Adversary

The scary adversary
Was nothing more than his red canary
The bird it seem had become quite contrary

Despite all this
He just couldn’t miss
With a trap bated with a nice red cherry

He watched and he waited
By the trap he had created
But the canary never did show

For the canary had found
Seeds by the pound
Because canaries don’t eat cherries, you know.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

The Bus Stop

People standing
Waiting anxiously
Huddling out of the rain.
A chanced meeting
Between old friends
Brings unexpected smiles.

A pigeon wonders by
Pecking crumbs from the ground.
A sanitation worker
Sweeps the walk of debris.
How similar they seem,
And the jobs they do….
Both work for little more than food.

On the bus
The world passes by
Taking us each
To our own private destination.

Another stop
Another chance
Another world away.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006


Pills pills pills
Pills for one and all
Pills pills pills
For summer, spring and fall

Pills to make you shorter
When you’re feeling tall
Pills to make your taller
For when you’re feeling small

Pills to make you thin
If you’re overweight
Pills to make you fat
If your size you must inflate

Pills pills pills
So many more than these
Pills pills pills
Each designed to please

Pills to help you think
When you’re fuzzy in the head
Pills to help you sleep
When it’s time for bed

Pills to make you happy
For when you’re feeling sad
Pills to calm you down
In case you get too mad

Pills pills pills
What are we coming to
Pills pills pills
Just take a handful or two

Pills to make you sane
For when your mind’s adrift
Pills to pick you up
For when you need a lift

Pills of every type
For every kind of mood
Pills that you can take
Instead of eating food

Pills pills pills
So what are you waiting for
Pills pills pills
You can always ask for more

Tuesday, March 14, 2006


Sitting and reading
Studying again
Just when you’ve finished
It’s time to begin

And so it goes on
Time after time
Building on old things
Till you’re well past your prime

And when you’re sitting
At home old and grey
An old dog learns new tricks
And begins a new day