Thoughtful Thoughts of a Common Man

Thoughts and stories and poems: philosophical, romantic and imaginative. (All works here are origional copy righted material.)


I am currently in an artistic / philosophical stage of life where I spend time contemplating various aspects of life and creating artwork to communicate some of the thoughts and ideas that I have.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

The Bus Stop

People standing
Waiting anxiously
Huddling out of the rain.
A chanced meeting
Between old friends
Brings unexpected smiles.

A pigeon wonders by
Pecking crumbs from the ground.
A sanitation worker
Sweeps the walk of debris.
How similar they seem,
And the jobs they do….
Both work for little more than food.

On the bus
The world passes by
Taking us each
To our own private destination.

Another stop
Another chance
Another world away.


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