Hurray for God!
Hurray for God
He created earth, sea and sky
And knows every answer
Like how, what and why
Hurray for God
Sings the trees and the stones
For all these things
He created and owns
Hurray for God
And all that he’s done
And that he sent us
His one and only son
Hurray for God
For the joy that he gives
And for the knowledge
That his son Jesus lives
Hurray for God
That we’re free from sin
Even from those
We keep within
Hurray for God
For each sunny day
I love you so much
That’s all I can say!
Hurray for God!
He created earth, sea and sky
And knows every answer
Like how, what and why
Hurray for God
Sings the trees and the stones
For all these things
He created and owns
Hurray for God
And all that he’s done
And that he sent us
His one and only son
Hurray for God
For the joy that he gives
And for the knowledge
That his son Jesus lives
Hurray for God
That we’re free from sin
Even from those
We keep within
Hurray for God
For each sunny day
I love you so much
That’s all I can say!
Hurray for God!
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