Thoughtful Thoughts of a Common Man

Thoughts and stories and poems: philosophical, romantic and imaginative. (All works here are origional copy righted material.)


I am currently in an artistic / philosophical stage of life where I spend time contemplating various aspects of life and creating artwork to communicate some of the thoughts and ideas that I have.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Salvation at Sea

The sea commoved
By the fury of the wind
The sailors now prayed
Each knew he had sinned

Agaist God and man
And each other as well
The ship bobbed along
With each mountainous swell

Would this be their fate
This watery death
The cried as they prayed
With each sobbing wet breath

Some men had children
Waiting at home
They prayed that they'd see them
Through the waves and wet foam

And some men had mothers
Whom alone they would tend
They prayed to the lord
That the storm just might end

And the captain prayed too
Harder than all
For the lives of his men
So they all could stand tall

Then out in the distance
They heard a loud horn
A light in the darkness
And new hope was born

For they all knew that light
That saved them that day
Was their old trusty lighthouse
That looked over their bay

With a quick change of course
They headed for home
Through the darkness of night
And the eye of the storm


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