Thoughtful Thoughts of a Common Man

Thoughts and stories and poems: philosophical, romantic and imaginative. (All works here are origional copy righted material.)


I am currently in an artistic / philosophical stage of life where I spend time contemplating various aspects of life and creating artwork to communicate some of the thoughts and ideas that I have.

Monday, September 12, 2005

Wizgang’s Wondrous Shopping Mall

Come one, come all
Come here and see
Our magical ware
And drinks are free

We’ve got powders and potions
And wondrous things
Like a magical harp
That plays and sings

A mirror of primping
That’ll make up your face
And no wood is needed
For this warm fireplace

Wands that do mending
Or make a bright light
Envelopes of sending
And glasses of sight

A magical blanket
That always stays warm
No matter how cold
No matter the storm

And socks that will warm your
From your head to your toes
And a magical faucet
With a magical hose

We have magical boxes
That always keeps things cold
And magical vases that keeps
Flowers from getting old

From magical paintings
That change on demand
To magical books
Which light and will stand

A magical stuffed bear
For children to play
And all of this stuff
Is on sale today

What ever your fancy
We’ve got it all
Right here at Wizgang’s
Wondrous shopping mall


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