Thoughtful Thoughts of a Common Man

Thoughts and stories and poems: philosophical, romantic and imaginative. (All works here are origional copy righted material.)


I am currently in an artistic / philosophical stage of life where I spend time contemplating various aspects of life and creating artwork to communicate some of the thoughts and ideas that I have.

Friday, October 14, 2005


Deep down under
The seven seas
Gathered a group
A Jubilee

And who was there
For all to see
None other than Oscar
The movie Marques

He swam there and greeted
Most everyone
From mother to daughter
From father to son

And when he had finished
His greetings that day
They all sat and watched
The most marvelous play

They all say awe
A wonderful suspense
This high production play
That teased every sense

And when it was over
And the final curtain closed
He awarded them an Oscar
And with them he posed


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