Thoughtful Thoughts of a Common Man

Thoughts and stories and poems: philosophical, romantic and imaginative. (All works here are origional copy righted material.)


I am currently in an artistic / philosophical stage of life where I spend time contemplating various aspects of life and creating artwork to communicate some of the thoughts and ideas that I have.

Monday, March 05, 2007


A vivid landscape of words goes by
With rhythm and meter to match
Telling us stories with pictures to read
Thoughts and ideas to catch

They flow purple, blue, red and green
These word that float by my head
Leading me onward to fields unexplored
Who know what avenues I’ll tread

To far off worlds where words march about
Or islands of peace and rhyme
To the past where words were harsh and rough
To the future or some other time

The language is leads me where ever it will
I follow stoutly behind
Looking around to see what I may
Who know what new words I may find


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