Thoughtful Thoughts of a Common Man

Thoughts and stories and poems: philosophical, romantic and imaginative. (All works here are origional copy righted material.)


I am currently in an artistic / philosophical stage of life where I spend time contemplating various aspects of life and creating artwork to communicate some of the thoughts and ideas that I have.

Friday, December 02, 2005

Ye Old Christmas Tree

The Christmas tree was up
Yet totally unadorned
The home of those squirrels
Would surely be mourned

For we chopped it right down
While they scurried out
They look through our windows
And I could see them all pout

We hung up the lights
And ornaments with care
And set around the presents
That soon we would share

Then up we went
To our rooms to sleep
We never did hear
Those little squirrels creep

They watched us all go
Each to his bed
And watched each light go off
Before they started to head

Into our house
And up to the tree
Their old home all lighted
They saw with much glee

And then they saw
Each carefully wrapped box
And next to the fireplace
Our old Christmas socks

Each stuffed and filled
With various things
Like clothes and toy
And candy and rings

And in the bottom of each stocking
A nice little bunch
Of nuts and fruit
And goodies to much

For such was the tradition
From days of old
And all of those goodies
Made those squirrels quite bold

Up to those stocking
They clambered and jumped
They chewed holes in the bottoms
And the goodies all dumped

They sorted the goodies
And each squirrel snacked
Then went back to the tree
To where the presents were stacked

Then quietly and carefully
They opened each one
Each taking turns
Until all were done

Then took all their presents
To their new home outside
Where they went
We couldn’t decide

It served us right
For taking their place
For a fancy decoration
And not showing grace


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